
Virtual and In-person sessions are available!

If you have Group Health Benefits at your workplace, you may be eligible to use them towards your counselling service fees. Please, refer to your insurance company to find out if our services are covered by your insurance plan.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is a collaborative process between a therapist and a client. People seek individual therapy when they feel that they have exhausted all the means to resolve issues and there is a need for help.  Psychotherapy allows clients to receive emotional support, useful tools for emotional regulation, and therapeutic interventions for deeper work on presenting mental health issues. Therapy promotes overall mental health resilience by bringing the underlying reasons for psychological problems to the awareness of the client and promoting the change of pathogenic feelings or behaviours.

We work with a wide range of individual therapy issues including anxiety, stress, depression, anger, self-esteem, psychological trauma, relationship problems, addiction concerns, parenting issues and many more.

We can help with the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anger Management
  • Self-esteem Issues
  • Psychological trauma
  • Marital problems
  • Family Relationships
  • Peer Relationships
  • Behavioural issues
  • School issues
  • Parenting
  • Addictions
  • Codependency
  • Grief
  • Divorce
  • Infidelity
  • Body Image
  • Abuse
  • Suicidal Ideations
  • Trauma
  • Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum
  • Racial Identity
  • Issues related to immigration

Individual Counselling in Barrie

Life can sometimes feel overwhelming. Some of us may find it hard to deal with traumatic life events, such as the loss of a loved one or divorce. Others struggle with unhealthy behaviour patterns or poor emotional or mental health, like depression, problems with anger management, and anxiety.

If you are looking for guidance and support from an experienced therapist in finding solutions and strategies to cope with life’s challenges, turn to Insight Centre for individual counselling in Barrie.

At Insight Centre, we understand that it takes courage to start therapy. We create a safe space for individuals to learn to address their problems. By helping you uncover your feelings and beliefs, we aim to improve your outlook on life and guide you toward positive change.

Tatyana Bashkatova, the registered psychotherapist at Insight Centre, believes in the inherent strength of every individual. We work closely with you to help you discover and nurture your strengths while resolving your current challenges so you can achieve meaningful and lasting improvements in your life.

What Is Individual Counselling or Therapy

Individual counselling is teamwork between a therapist and a patient. People seek individual therapy when they feel that they have exhausted all the means to resolve issues and there is a need for help. It aids individuals by giving them emotional support, helpful tools for managing their feelings, and treatments to work on their mental health issues more deeply. It makes people mentally stronger by helping them understand why they have problems and changing harmful feelings or behaviours.

We work with a wide range of individual therapy issues including the following:

What Can Barrie Counselling Services Provide to an Individual

At our counselling service in Barrie, Ontario, we offer a unique form of therapy called emotion-image therapy (EIT). This approach is designed to tackle long-lasting negative emotional states and find resolutions for underlying reasons. EIT works on the idea that we can explore our feelings through images we create in our minds, whether they are visual, auditory, or related to our body sensations. By working with these mental images and transforming them, we can resolve deep emotional conflicts.

During the therapy session, we create an environment of safety, acceptance, and trust, allowing individuals to delve into their feelings and problem debth. Our therapist in Barrie will assist you in navigating your inner thoughts and feelings, gradually uncovering the root of your inner turmoil, aiming to finding a solution and relief.

After undergoing a series of sessions using methods of Gestalt Therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Psychodrama, and Art Therapy, clients can improve their emotional well-being, physical health, interpersonal connections, and overall quality of life.

Here is how you can benefit from our individual counselling therapy:

Better Relationships
One-on-one counselling can enhance relationships. Understanding your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours can help you communicate better and get along with others more easily. Improving communication skills in sessions can lead to happier, more peaceful relationships.

Improved Coping Skills

Individual counseling equips you with valuable skills to navigate life’s challenges. Our anxiety therapist in Barrie will assist you in finding more effective ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and emotional issues. Acquiring effective coping strategies can enhance your resilience, reduce emotional distress, and overall well-being.

Healing from Past Trauma and Finding Peace

During the session, your trapped emotional energy undergoes a transformation, restoring your vigour. We will help you obtain freedom from negative emotions and traumatic experiences, leading to an overall sense of increased vitality, tranquillity, balance, and self-assurance.

Why Choose Insight Centre for Individual Therapy?

A Welcoming and Supportive Atmosphere

Meet Tatyana Bashkatova, our compassionate psychotherapist. She’s dedicated to providing a safe and non-judgmental space where you’ll feel valued and heard. Tatyana takes your concerns seriously, ensuring your comfort and security.

Extensive Experience and Expertise

Tatyana has received thorough training in various therapeutic methods. Her wealth of knowledge and practical experience equips her with the skills needed to help you tackle trauma and resolve your challenges effectively.

Innovative Therapy

Tatyana is trained in Emotion-Image Therapy (EIT), a unique approach from Europe that’s not widely practiced in Canada. EIT focuses on identifying and positively transforming hidden emotional issues that contribute to psychological or psychosomatic problems. It effectively addresses trauma, inner-child healing, depression, anxiety, anger, panic attacks, grief,dysfunctional behaviours and psychosomatic symptoms.

Tailored Care

Every person’s struggles are unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. At Insight Centre, we craft a personalized blend of therapies based on your specific needs and preferences. Our commitment is to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and healing.

Easy Appointment Booking

We are quick to respond, simplifying the appointment process at our clinic. All you have to do is register on our website. Once you are registered, you can book an appointment and fill out out intake forms for your first session.

Insurance Coverage

Our psychotherapy and counselling services are eligible for insurance coverage. Please check if your insurance company covers services provided by Registered Psychotherapists.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Give us a call at (647) 633-1928, or use our BOOK NOW button to book an appointment.

FAQs: Individual Counselling

How do I know if we are a good match?

We will be happy to provide you with a 15-minute free consultation to help you determine if we are a good match for your needs. Our main goal is to make sure that each of our patients feels safe and comfortable throughout the session.

Can you keep my personal information confidential?

Absolutely! We keep everything confidential. Our therapist has a legal and ethical obligation to keep your personal information safe when you talk to them.

How many counselling sessions do I need?

The number of counselling sessions differs from one individual to another. It depends on how complicated your problems are and how much you get involved in the process.

Can the therapist prescribe medicine?

No. Therapists are not authorized to prescribe medication. If someone may benefit from medication, they can recommend consulting a psychiatrist for an evaluation and additional assistance. This, of course, only occurs with the individual’s consent.

Youth Therapy

Youth can struggle with psychological, behavioural, emotional, and cognitive problems. These issues are often a part of the growing-up process and may be resolved independently. However, if parents or guardians are concerned with their child’s behaviour or emotional state and the situation is not changing, it may be time to seek help from a therapist.

At Insight Centre, we welcome youth aged 12 to 25 and beyond to support them through their mental health challenges. We use multiple modalities such as Emotion – Image Therapy, Family Systems Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and more.

Youth Therapy

Youth issues we work with:

  • Fears
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Self-Esteem Problems
  • Personal Boundaries Issues
  • Bullying at school
  • Peer relationships
  • Family relationships
  • Life changes
  • Emotional regulation
  • Romantic relationships
  • Transitioning to independence
  • Separation and divorce of parents
  • Living in crisis situations
  • Behavioural issues
  • School performance issues
  • Developmental crises
  • Body Image
  • Gender Issues
  • Self-Harm
  • Suicidal ideations

Couples Counselling and Therapy

Modern family psychology distinguishes several stages of marriage associated with the corresponding crises in the relationship within the couple. Transferring from one stage to another requires families to make changes in their structural organization, adapt the basic rules of family functioning to the current situation, and develop a new image of themselves. The periods of transition are usually called a crisis. This is when it is most likely that couples would seek professional help as they struggle to adapt to the new situation and/or accept it.

Here are the six main stages of marriage:

  1. Courtship period

The goal is to make a decision on committing to a partner and creating a family.

  1. Family without kids

Newly married couples face many challenges. They need to establish the optimal balance for emotional closeness, to solve the problem of family hierarchy and areas of responsibility. Overall, during this period they need to discuss a lot and establish many agreements on a variety of issues such as mutual values, rituals, financial aspects, relations and boundaries with parental families, and sexual problems.

  1. Family with young kids

When a couple gives birth to a child, they might not be ready for all the hardships of the basic care and parenting it entails, which can create conflicts in families. It becomes necessary for the spouses to rebuild the relationships (hierarchy, intimacy, etc.) that have just been stabilized at the previous stage. As kids grow, the problems of their upbringing, schooling issues and adapting to the new ways of interaction with them take place, as well as the aspects of communication about kids between the spouses.

  1. Mature stage of marriage

This phase of family development requires both partners to resolve the mid-life crisis, adapt to age-related changes, and resolve issues related to the teenage crisis of their children.

  1. Empty nesters

When kids leave home, spouses may find themselves in a situation where the common ways of interaction are not working anymore. The family needs to reorganize its structure again and find ways for the spouses to reconnect on emotional and behavioural levels and resolve problems which were postponed in the past.

  1. Later stages of marriage

At this stage, spouses may go through aging, retirement, physical limitations and illnesses, lack of self-actualization, and a partner’s death. At this point in their life, therapy may be an asset for those who are struggling.

At our centre, we offer professional help with any of the problems couples may face on their life journey using the most effective techniques of Family Systems Therapy and Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

We work with the following issues

  • Communication Problems
  • Emotional Distance
  • Affairs & Infidelity
  • Intimacy Issues
  • Overcoming Trauma
  • Perpetual Problems
  • Conflicts and Compromise
  • Parenting Styles
  • Personal Boundaries
  • Financial Disagreements
  • Feeling alone together
  • Contempt
  • Unmet emotional needs
  • Relationships with In-Laws
  • No sense of a team
  • Lack of romance
  • Shared goals
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Gratitude
  • Friendship
  • Loss and Grief

Relationship Counselling & Couples Therapy in Barrie

Are you and your partner constantly arguing over unresolved problems? Is lack of intimacy starting to take a toll on your relationship? Do you want to save your relationship but do not know where to start?

While no two relationships are the same, many couples experience some of the most common relationship problems at some point in their lives. Issues, such as lack of intimacy, miscommunication, boredom, trust issues, and infidelity, when left unresolved can have an adverse impact on relationships, which can result in breakups or divorce.

Most likely, you are reading this post because you want to save your relationship. Couples counselling therapy in Barrie helps couples deepen their sense of connection not only with each other but also with their own self.

Why Couples Seek Marriage or Couples Counselling in Barrie, Ontario

After the period of courtship, some couples start to experience disagreements. However, arguments and misunderstandings are a normal part of a relationship. It is not reasonable to expect someone else, with their own life experiences and history, to always see things the same way you do.

Many couples seek relationship counselling for 2 reasons:

  1. Finding Themselves in Constant Conflict
    A simple misunderstanding, miscommunication, and criticism can eventually escalate and turn into conflict. In most cases, unresolved issues can affect the atmosphere of your home. You might ask yourself how it got this way. It could seem like your partner cannot do anything right, and your relationship seems too damaged to fix.
  2. Drifting Apart
    You are not fighting or arguing, yet it seems like both of you are leading separate lives. Drift happens when the partners no longer comprehend each other and feel like the spark is gone. Some couples may find themselves thinking about finding a better match elsewhere.

At Insight Centre, we can help couples deal with these problems and heal the emotional wounds by staying close and working through these tough times in our relationships. Relationship counselling can help with this healing process.

Reignite Your Relationship With Counselling in Barrie, Ontario

We understand that couples experience road bumps at some point in their relationship. This is where couples therapy in Barrie, Ontario comes in. At Insight Centre, we will help you develop the right tools and build a safe and secure environment where you and your partner can grow and heal together.

We treat you and your partner equally—we do not take sides. Instead, our relationship counsellor pays close attention to what each person has to say and helps facilitate good communication between you and your partner. We create a safe space where we tackle and fix the core issues, enabling you to improve your relationship.

Why Choose Our Couples Therapy Service in Barrie

Creating an Impartial, Supportive, and Safe Space

Tatyana Bashkatova, our compassionate psychotherapist will listen to you without any judgment. She will take your concerns seriously to ensure you feel safe and welcome during each session.

Personalized Care

We understand that every individual’s struggle is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. At Insight Centre, we create a personalized plan based on your unique needs and preferences. Our commitment is to guide you on your journey to self-discovery and healing.

Expertise and Years of Experience

Tatyana is highly trained in various therapeutic methods and equipped with the skills to help you deal with trauma and overcome challenges.

Effective Methods

Tatyana uses The Gottman Method and Family Systems Therapy in her work. These two distinct approaches used in couples counseling offer unique perspectives and techniques to help couples improve their relationships. Both methods aim to help couples by promoting better communication, conflict resolution, and emotional connection.

The Gottman Method
Focus on Communication: This approach places a strong emphasis on improving communication skills. Couples learn how to express their feelings and needs more effectively, as well as how to listen actively to their partner.

Conflict Resolution: The method provides tools to manage and resolve conflicts in a healthy and constructive way. Couples learn to avoid criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling, which are considered destructive communication patterns.

Building Trust: The Gottman Method also works on rebuilding or strengthening trust in the relationship. Trust is essential for a healthy partnership, and this approach offers exercises and strategies to achieve this.

Emotional Connection: Couples are encouraged to nurture their emotional connection and intimacy. They learn to understand and respond to each other’s emotional needs more effectively.

Family Systems Therapy

Understanding Family Dynamics: Family Systems Therapy looks at the couple within the broader context of their families and how family dynamics can influence the relationship. It considers how the past and present family relationships affect the couple’s dynamic.

Identifying Patterns: This approach helps couples identify recurring patterns of behavior and interaction within the relationship. By recognizing these patterns, couples can work on changing or improving them.

Systemic Perspective: Family Systems Therapy takes a systemic approach, viewing the couple as part of a larger system, which can include their families, extended families, and social networks. It addresses how changes within the system can impact the relationship.
Problem-Solving within the Family: This approach encourages problem-solving within the family system as a whole. It can involve exploring how the couple interacts with their families, including setting boundaries and defining roles.

Insurance Coverage

Our services in psychotherapy and counselling are covered by insurance. Please check if your insurance company covers services provided by Registered Psychotherapists.

Effortless Booking

We make scheduling at our clinic easy and convenient. Just register on our booking portal by clicking BOOK NOW button, book your appointment, and fill out our intake forms. Once completed, you can attend your first session with us.

Strengthen Your Relationships With Couples Counselling

It is time to take that important step towards improving your relationship. Insight Centre is here to help. Contact us at (647) 633-1928, or fill out our Send Us a Message form to book a 15-minute free consultation to learn if we are a good match for your needs. Get started today and pave the way for a happier and healthier partnership. Your journey begins here.

FAQs: Relationship or Couples Counselling Therapy

How much does therapy cost in Ontario?

Typically, getting private therapy in Ontario can cost you as much as $300 for each session. Feel free to contact us to find out how much it costs at our clinic.

What is the best type of marriage counselling?

Marriage therapy offers a variety of approaches to help improve and save relationships. Among the most common modalities used in marriage or couples counselling are the Gottman Method and Family Systems Therapy. However, it’s not enough to only determine the methods the therapist uses. it is also crucial to look for a therapist with whom you can feel at ease and establish a strong connection—someone who acknowledges your challenges and efficiently guides you through them.

What type of therapist is best for marriage counselling?

Registered therapists who have experience in family and couples counselling can help people struggling to maintain their marriage. These professionals have undergone extensive training in addressing and resolving marital problems.

Family Counselling and Therapy

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that includes more than two members of a family, like parents and children, partners, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, caregivers and other people close to the family.

The goal of family therapy is to help the family understand the reasons for arising problems and make interventions that would assist the family to deal with them, including learning communication skills, reconsidering parenting style, developing a new perspective on the family structure and others.

Family therapy is recommended in cases when a problem or a symptom of the family cannot be resolved without the participation of all or most of the family members. 

That includes cases when a family has dysfunctional relationship patterns and requires professional involvement for resolution.

That includes cases when a family has dysfunctional relationship patterns and requires professional involvement for resolution.

At Insight Centre we address these issues using an eclectic approach that includes Transactional Analysis, Gestalt, Psychodrama, and Family System Therapy that looks at the family as one emotional unit and considers the relationships within the family and the structure as a whole.

The family issues may include:

  • Psychosomatic Symptoms
  • Mental Health Problems
  • Conflicts
  • Addiction Problems
  • Divorce and Separation
  • Extreme circumstances
  • Loss and Grief
  • Problems with School Performance
  • Age crises
  • Behavioural Issues
  • Fostering and Adoption of Children
  • Anger management issues
  • Physical and Emotional Abuse
  • Chores and Responsibilities

Addiction Counselling and Therapy

Addiction is a complex disease that may be associated with the consumption of chemical substances such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, etc, as well as behavioural dependencies like shopaholism, internet addiction, and more. Such dependencies demand personalized treatments using modalities that can address both the symptoms and underlying reasons and assist clients in the improvement of their social and family life should they be affected.

Often the underlying reasons for the addiction are deeply rooted in the clients’ past; this is where a psychotherapist can undertake therapeutic interventions and help clients break free from harmful behaviours.

The purpose of psychotherapy in addiction treatment is to promote necessary inner transformations for clients to be able to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.

Addiction Counselling and Therapy
  • Substance Use and Abuse
  • Behavioural Addiction
  • Internet Addiction
  • Shopaholism
  • Sexual Addiction
  • Love Addiction
  • Gambling
  • Shopping Addiction
  • Exercise Addiction
  • Food Addiction
  • TV Addiction
  • Social Media addiction
Group Therapy

Group Therapy

Depending on the nature of your problem, group therapy can be an effective way for addressing psychological concerns and making positive changes in your life.

At Insight Centre we are planning on offering group sessions on a range of topics. Please see the updates for more details.

Our Prices

Individual therapy session

$ 180 60 minutes

Couples therapy session

$ 240 60 minutes

Family therapy session

$ 240 60 minutes